The Penn State Alumni Association

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I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biobehavioral health from Pennsylvania State University in 2002, a Master of Science degree in genetic counseling from Arcadia University in 2006, and certification by the American Board of Genetic Counseling in 2007. Prior to joining the Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative (, I worked as a laboratory genetic counselor providing telephone-based genetic counseling for common complex diseases at Kimball Genetics in Denver, Colorado. In this role, I primarily counseled individuals seeking genetic testing for hypercoagulation, celiac disease, hemochromatosis, and Warfarin dose management. At Kimball Genetics, I also contributed to the development of result reports and patient oriented educational materials. I began my career as a genetic coordinator, facilitating testing and case management for reproductive and pharmacogenetic testing at Genzyme Genetics in Westborough, Massachusetts. At Genzyme, I coordinated genetic testing with physicians and genetic counselors by guiding them through test selection and assisting them with result interpretation.